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Your Unique Selling Proposition

Your Unique Selling Proposition - ShareYaarNow


What’s going to be your unique selling proposition (USP)?

Whether you’re a yoga/fitness instructor, esports gamer, DJ, business coach/mentor, speaker, chef, techie or business owner, you will have to somehow show your potential event audience what value or benefit you are going to give them. This is not easy. 

Show your audience something unique that you can offer that gives them value during your events. Easy to say but not easy to do. 

If you are promoting a service via an event, maybe some lesson learned or experience gained in your journey that is unique that you can give to your audience that resonates with them and benefits them. Or maybe, the way you provide your services is unique.

If you’re doing product demos then obviously the USP of the product.

This requires a lot of thought on your part to get it right.

Hope these event marketing ideas help. Stay tuned for more...

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(Image: Unsplash)
