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Helping Your Audience Connect with Others

Helping Your Audience Connect with Others - ShareYaarNow

When I’ve attended an event and the event host has connected me with other members of the audience in a way that has helped me, I have remembered the event host and have recommended their events to others. And I will be more likely to attend future events of theirs. Such events have given me value.

If you can give value to your event audience by making connections that give them value – this will help your brand name.

Allow opportunities for your event audience to interact with other audience members – even in online events.

Let me know your thoughts on this.

Hope these event marketing ideas help. Stay tuned for more...


Looking for more event marketing inspiration? Ebook: 'Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers' can help you with ideas on events and event marketing in this changing world. If you host your own events and want to transform your event marketing:

Available on Amazon at:
