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Marketing Through Music


Marketing Through Music

Marketing Through Music


We are familiar with the usual social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc.

But what about music/podcasting platforms where DJs, artists and other podcasters upload their podcasts and do live streams? Have you ever thought about marketing your brand on these platforms?

Platforms such as Mixcloud, Soundcloud, HearThis and many others are a cool way to listen to music and other podcasts and to engage with content creators, thereby exposing your brand to a wider audience. You might not produce your own music or podcasts but such platforms allow you to follow, listen, comment on the content of others – just like the usual social media platforms – and build up your own following and engagement.

For example, listening to the podcasts & live streams of DJs & other podcasters, engaging with them is another way to market your brand.

Check out @ShareYaarNow on these platforms to get some marketing ideas for your brand.



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