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Do Your Events on Special Occasions

Do Your Events on Special Occasions - ShareYaarNow

The calendar is full of days that are special. For example, festive days - Thanksgiving, Halloween, Diwali, Xmas, New Year, Earth Day, World Yoga Day, etc. – there are many such days. A business anniversary or reaching some milestone, perhaps.

Plan your events around such days to give your audience something different. Create content, artwork with that day in mind.

Doing a Halloween-themed event, for example, with a dress code to match perhaps can give your audience a different experience. Even if your event is online, you can ask your audience to dress in Halloween-theme so that others can see them online.

We welcome your feedback on this.

Hope these event marketing ideas help. Stay tuned for more...


Looking for more event marketing strategies like this? Ebook: 'Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers' can help you with ideas on events and event marketing in this changing world. If you host your own events and want to transform your event marketing:

Available on Amazon at:
