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Finding the Right Balance

Finding the Right Balance - ShareYaarNow

When you're planning an event, one of our first steps is to tell everyone about it!

When it comes to communicating with your audience, there are many ways to go about it. The usual ways are:

1. Social media posts

2. DMs

3. Email

4. SMS

However, be careful not to overwhelm them with info about your upcoming events; this may put them off. You have to find the right balance. If you send too many messages or post too many updates, people might start ignoring you altogether and miss out on what could be an amazing event!

When you want to tell your audience about your upcoming events, it's tempting to cover all your bases and send messages through every possible channel. You can post on all of your social media accounts, send texts, emails, or direct messages to everyone you can think of—why not? 

When you are trying to spread the word about your upcoming events, it is important to remember that you want people to be excited about them—and if you're telling them too much, it can actually put them off.

Your fans and followers want to know enough about your event that they are curious, but not so much that they feel overwhelmed by the details. It's a delicate balance: if you don't tell them enough, they may show up unprepared; on the other hand, if you tell them too much, you risk putting them off from showing up at all.

To avoid this kind of situation, try to limit yourself to no more than two channels at a time. This way, you're still getting the word out without being too aggressive or overbearing. 

It's important that the people who follow or subscribe to your content feel respected by you—you never know when someone will have only one chance to attend an event of yours in their entire lives! So make sure that getting information about it isn't something that makes them want to avoid it instead.

You can also take advantage of instant messaging platforms, so that your audience can talk amongst themselves and build excitement over time. This helps people feel involved in the process and strengthens their connection with us as well as each other—and that's always a good thing! 

We welcome your feedback on this.

Stay tuned to ShareYaarNow for more insights and tips on event marketing success.


Like what your reading? Get more insights and tips from the Ebook: 'Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers' can help you with ideas on events and event marketing in this changing world. If you host your own events and want to transform your event marketing:

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