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It's a Gamer's World

It's a Gamer's World - ShareYaarNow

When you think about video games, what do you think of? 

Video games are big business. Just a decade ago, mobile gaming was still considered an oddity to many people. Now, it’s hard to find a smartphone user who hasn’t played a game on their device.

More than ever, brands are looking at ways to tap into this audience. Gamers are spending more time watching other people play games. Brands are launching Esports tournaments, sponsoring streamers and creating game related content. 

In addition to marketing and advertising opportunities, there is also a ton of money flowing into Esports.

Recently, downloads of video games are booming and gaming is thriving. Game developers and game hardware manufacturers are launching Esports/gaming tournaments to market their products/services. 

Marketers and advertisers are looking at ways to gamify their services to entice users. Users are streaming content and games more than ever. 

Gaming and Esports are huge and becoming mainstream. There is a huge marketing opportunity there to market your events. 

We welcome your feedback on this.

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