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Showing Your True Colors

Trust Colors - ShareYaarNow

When posting content online for your events, what colors you use, matter. Different colors evoke different emotions. 

When it comes to presenting content online, many of us are concerned with more immediate factors like the quality of our writing, the attractiveness of our images, and whether or not we're using relevant hashtags. But something that's just as important to consider is color—specifically, what emotions certain colors elicit in the human mind.

The mind processes visual information with remarkable speed. In a fraction of a second, your eyes have already taken in the dominant color scheme in a picture you've seen for the first time—and your brain has already made an emotional connection to those colors. Though we may not be consciously aware of this process, consider how easy it is to tell that you're looking at a photo of a beautiful landscape (because it's mostly green). 

Do your research about what colors to use in your events, images, logos and videos that best represent the emotions you want to inspire in your audience. If you do your research on 'trust colors', it can help.

The wrong choice can send a message that's completely opposite of what you want to convey to your audience. In marketing, the right colors can help persuade potential customers to purchase a product or service. The wrong colors can have the opposite effect.

There's no hard-and-fast rule about what color best suits your purpose; it will depend on what message you're trying to convey and who you're trying to convey it to. 

Find out what colors work best for your brand. After learning about the different emotions that different colors evoke, you can begin to establish a brand identity by assessing which colors best represent the mood and message you want to portray. A great way to do this is to check out color palettes used by some of the top brands throughout history. Observe how those colors make you feel when you think about those brands. Then consider how you want your audience to feel when they think about your brand.


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(Image: Unsplash)
