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Network Learning

Network Learning - ShareYaarNow

If you're organizing your own events, whether they're online or offline, you should think about networking with other event organizers.

The reason is simple: they can help you and vice versa.

If you're organizing an event, it's likely that there are other people doing the same thing in your area. By getting together with them, you can share resources and ideas. You may also have similar goals and objectives — if not, then at least you can learn from each other's mistakes and successes.

The benefits to networking with other event planners include:

This might be as simple as sharing the costs of renting a venue or arranging catering services or as complex as giving advice on how to deal with difficult attendees or speakers. You'll also find out about events that will bring more traffic to yours — so long as people are willing to reciprocate!

Maybe someone else has had a great experience using a particular advertising platform for their event (or maybe not). Maybe another event organizer has had trouble finding speakers who fit their budget (or maybe they've found some great ones). You'll probably get different answers depending on who you ask.

Overall, you learn.

Stay tuned for more insights and tips on event marketing success.




(Image: Unsplash)
