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Spoilt for Choice

Spoilt for Choice - ShareYaarNow

How do you get your potential audience to choose to attend your event out of the huge number of events happening?

This is the million dollar question.

To get people to choose your event, you need to give them a reason. Read our earlier blog post: 'How Do People Choose Events to Attend?'.

An event is a gathering of people with a purpose. Traditionally, an event would be something like a concert or festival. However, these days an event can be anything from an awards ceremony to a conference or seminar.

The key thing about events is that they're not just about the entertainment: they're also about giving people the opportunity to learn something new.

So how do you get your potential audience to choose your event out of the huge number of events happening at any one time?

Here are some tips for making sure your event stands out from the crowd:

1) Make it relevant to your audience

2) Focus on value for money

3) Get creative with marketing and promotion (especially social media) - easier said than done

4) Have good speakers/presenters/performers who really know their stuff

Once you've got people interested, it's important that they know exactly what they'll get out of attending the event. You don't want them to feel disappointed when they get there because they expected something different from what actually happens.

The next step is to make sure that your event has an impact beyond the day itself and stays in people's minds long afterwards.


We welcome your feedback on this.

Hope these event ideas help. Stay tuned for more...

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(Image: Unsplash)
