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Do You Need to Become a Social Media Influencer?

Do You Need to Become a Social Media Influencer? - ShareYaarNow

I raised this topic, briefly, in the earlier post, ‘Don’t Lose Sight of Your Goals’.

Social media is so pervasive now that I wonder whether in any marketing you do nowadays, you need to become a social media influencer along the way as part of your marketing strategy? 

If your goal is to simply become an influencer then you plan your marketing accordingly.

But, if it’s not your ultimate goal to be an influencer, do you still have to become one in order to succeed in marketing your product or services nowadays?

Most people now market their events and other things on social media. Whether you provide a service or sell a product, you obviously want to grow your followers on social media.

In order to succeed in social media marketing nowadays, do you need to plan to become a social media influencer as part of your marketing strategy?

You probably need to show some expertise in your field to increase your name and/or brand awareness.

Increasing your number of followers on social media may not be a bad thing as long as you achieve your goals – i.e., in getting those followers to buy your services or product.

We welcome your feedback on this.

Hope these event marketing ideas help. Stay tuned for more...


Looking for more event marketing strategies like this? Ebook: 'Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers' can help you with ideas on events and event marketing in this changing world. If you host your own events and want to transform your event marketing:

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