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Events Create Content

Events Create Content - ShareYaarNow

Events and Activities Create Content: Stories for Events, Groups and Brands

Make an Event of it!

When you go out with your team colleagues for a night out, you take selfies or video of yourselves which are then uploaded onto social media. Even a family get-together results in visual content which later goes online.

If you attend an event, the organizers and participants will create visual and written content around the event which is then uploaded for promotion and marketing purposes.

A lot of what we do nowadays results in content being created and uploaded. When you get-together with others, most will have smartphones with them and this device now means content going online.

Event organizers and marketers can make use of this in allowing groups to create content and stories around events which help in brand marketing.

If a group goes to a restaurant/cinema/event, the restaurant, for example, can utilize the smartphone culture to allow people to create their stories around their meal at the restaurant to help the restaurant’s brand. Allowing groups to create your brand story. You need to leverage the power of social media culture to grow your brand.

How can this concept be achieved for virtual events? You need to think about and plan for this.

When you organize an event (online or offline) remember, during the event to create content for your social media that you can upload after your event. 

So, Go Ahead, Make an Event of it!


We welcome your feedback on this.

Hope these event ideas help. Stay tuned for more...

Like what you're seeing? Get more tips and insight with the Ebook "Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers" available on Amazon Kindle:

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(Image: Unsplash)
