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Getting the right audience for your event

Getting the right audience for your event - ShareYaarNow

Carrying on from a previous blog 'Giving your event audience a new experience', we want to talk a bit more about getting the right audience for your event.

So, you've decided to run an event and you're thinking about your audience. 

Should you cast your net wide to attract as many attendees as possible or are you trying to attract the right type of attendee.

The point of an event is to engage with your audience and build a relationship with them. Having 100 people at an event who have no interest in what you do is not really a good use of your time or theirs.

If you are launching a new product, a targeted marketing campaign will result in better results than just a general blanket campaign inviting anyone along. Being selective about who you invite may result in better engagement and brand building.

Getting the right attendees for your event will result in better engagement with your audience and your audience will be more likely to feel they got something from your event.

Getting the right audience can be difficult - it requires thinking about the benefits of attending and how to communicate these benefits in the most compelling way.

The other benefit of getting the right audience is that future marketing efforts will be more effective as you have demonstrated that you understand what your audience wants.

When it comes to attracting speakers you need to consider how their talk will benefit the audience.  We've all been to events where an hour of our time was wasted by a speaker who seemed self-indulgent or whose talk suffered from a lack of structure.  By being selective about which speakers you invite, may mean that your event has fewer speakers but it's likely that means a better experience for your audience.

Thinking about how your audience will benefit from your event may mean better results for you.


Looking for more event marketing strategies like this? Ebook: 'Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers' can help you with ideas on events and event marketing in this changing world. If you host your own events and want to transform your event marketing:

Available on Amazon at:
