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It's All in the Value-Add

It's All in the Value-Add - ShareYaarNow

Giving, or adding, value to your event audience is the name of the game.

Events are a great way to serve your audience. They can be formal meetings or casual get-togethers, and the purpose can vary from selling products to connecting with new clients or reconnecting with old ones. You should have a well-thought-out plan for how you want the event to go, and that plan should include what you want attendees to take away from the event.

Whether you are conducting a one-time event, a series of events or a retreat, the rewards of giving value to your audience can be tremendous. 

We see two things happening at events as often as not: The attendees leave before the end and go to do something else, or they stay and hang out until the event is over.

When planning your event, remember that you're on their time and they're on yours. If you run out of time and they still want more, let them know that you'll be happy to answer any questions they might have after the event.

Many people are terrified by the prospect of being in a room full of strangers. Even if you're running a meeting, gathering people together can be daunting. But when you make it about them and their needs, it's easier for others to engage with you.

You can make your events more personal by including your audience when you plan the event. Ask them what they'd like to learn, what their concerns are and what they're looking for in an event.

Think of each event as a connected series of conversations that take place between you and your audience. You have many chances to improve the value you provide at every turn — during your welcome or introduction, at the intermission, after the presentations and even during the conference dinner or drinks reception afterwards.

This means putting some thought into your event objectives, which you should have before you even start planning. This can be a little tricky, because what your goals are will change as you progress through the planning phases, but if you start with the right objectives, you'll end up with a successful event.

Make sure that when people leave your event, whether in person or online, they feel like they've benefitted from it.

We welcome your feedback on this.

Hope these event ideas help. Stay tuned for more.


Like what your reading? Get more insights and tips from the Ebook: 'Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers' can help you with ideas on events and event marketing in this changing world. If you host your own events and want to transform your event marketing:

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