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The Concept of an Event

The Concept of an Event

The event industry is always changing. From new technologies and platforms to shifting demographics and values, each year brings a new set of challenges and opportunities.

For the new year, what changes are you making to your events and event marketing?

As we enter into 2023, we're interested in finding out:

What new tools are you using for your events?

How are you planning on improving your event marketing?

What innovations have you made or are planning to make with your events this year?

It's clear that events will continue to be an important part of marketing strategies, but it also seems likely that they will be used in different ways and for different purposes than they have been in the past.

For example, we're seeing an increasing interest in using events as part of an integrated content strategy rather than as standalone activities.

For example, using a series of events to provide content that is then distributed through multiple channels, including social media and email newsletters.

We're also seeing more interest from businesses in using events to create a dialogue with customers or to deepen relationships with existing customers by providing opportunities for face-to-face interactions on a regular basis. New technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) may make these kinds of interactions easier by allowing people who might live far apart from each other to share experiences together.

The concept of an 'event' is fluid and is changing.


We welcome your feedback on this.

ShareYaarNow - the quick, easy and effective way to search and share events. 

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(Image: Unsplash)
