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Event Marketing: Leveraging Collaboration and Upselling

Event Marketing: Leveraging Collaboration and Upselling

The digital economy has introduced a multitude of opportunities and strategies for event marketers to boost their event promotion and enhance their event brand.


I recently saw a marketing program where a Colgate marketing executive was talking about the possible uses of technology for marketing. One possibility that was mentioned was when someone buys some sweets, they get a message to remember to brush their teeth. I thought about how event marketers can use this example.


You can upsell your events when someone buys related products or services from another company. This sort of collaboration can help your event brand grow.


The Power of Collaboration


Collaboration in the context of event marketing refers to partnering with other companies or brands to promote events synergistically. This collaborative approach allows event marketers to tap into a broader audience and generate additional value for their attendees. Much like the example above where a simple purchase of sweets triggers a message about brushing your teeth, event marketers can harness the power of collaboration to make event promotion more effective.


Here are some key strategies for event marketers looking to leverage collaboration:


Identify Complementary Partners:

When considering collaboration, seek out companies or brands whose products or services align with the theme or purpose of your event. For instance, if you're organizing a fitness expo, partnering with a sportswear brand or a fitness equipment manufacturer would be a great fit.



Collaborate with your partner to cross-promote each other's offerings. This can include featuring their products or services on your event website or materials and vice versa. The goal is to introduce your event to the partner's customer base and vice versa.



Consider creating co-branded marketing materials, such as exclusive merchandise or promotional content that reflects both your event brand and your partner's brand. This not only enhances your event's value but also builds a stronger connection with your partner.


Technology Integration:

Utilize technology to streamline collaboration efforts. Share customer data, employ targeted marketing, and implement automation to deliver a personalized experience. For example, sending tailored event invitations when a customer makes a relevant purchase from your partner's online store.


Upselling Through Collaboration


Upselling, the art of convincing customers to purchase more than they initially intended, can be an incredibly effective technique for event marketers when implemented in collaboration. By working together with other brands, you can offer attendees added value and persuade them to upgrade their event experience.


Here's how event marketers can use upselling to their advantage:


Create Value-Added Packages:

Develop bundled packages that include the event ticket and additional perks or experiences from your collaborating partner. For instance, a music festival could offer VIP tickets that include access to an exclusive afterparty hosted by a local restaurant.


Discounted Upgrades:

Offer discounted upgrades for event attendees who have made a purchase from your partner. This approach not only boosts event sales but also encourages customers to explore products or services from both brands.


Personalized Recommendations:

Leverage technology to analyze customer behavior and preferences. Based on their purchase history, suggest relevant event upgrades or packages. If a customer buys sports equipment, present them with VIP sports event packages.


Event Brand Growth Through Collaboration


Collaborative upselling not only increases revenue but also plays a crucial role in growing your event brand. The benefits include:


Extended Reach:

Collaboration allows you to tap into your partner's audience, increasing your event's visibility and attracting potential attendees who may not have heard about your event otherwise.


Enhanced Event Experience:

By offering additional value through collaboration, you create a more memorable and enjoyable experience for your attendees, leading to positive word-of-mouth and repeat attendees.


Building Brand Loyalty:

When customers associate your event with quality collaborations and memorable experiences, they are more likely to become loyal supporters of your brand.



Event marketers must continuously adapt their marketing strategies to meet the changing landscape of event promotion. The concept of collaboration and upselling, inspired by the Colgate marketing executive's example, offers a valuable approach to enhancing event marketing efforts. By identifying complementary partners, leveraging technology, and implementing upselling strategies, event marketers can elevate their event brand and foster long-term growth. In today's competitive market, collaboration and upselling may be the game-changer that sets your event apart from the rest.

Stay tuned for more insights and tips on event marketing success.




(Image: Unsplash)


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