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Event Marketing: The Importance of Knowing Your Event Audience

Event Marketing: The Importance of Knowing Your Event Audience

I’ve written about ‘Knowing Your Event Audience’ before, and just to illustrate how important this can be, I want to give an example from a fictional web series I’ve seen called ‘Better Call Saul’. It’s a fantastic series about an entrepreneurial lawyer trying to build up his legal practice.


The lawyer sometimes breaks the rules/law (which you obviously shouldn’t do). But it shows his perseverance in the face of obstacles and how he uses his ingenuity to overcome them.


During the series he’s trying to get clients and build up a practice in helping elderly people with their legal issues. It shows the time and effort he puts in to getting to know his potential clients.


And, in one episode, he’s trying to think of ways to get more clients for a class action lawsuit against a company that provides assisted living for the elderly. He has the idea for using a targeted TV ad to reach his potential audience. Because of the previous effort he’s put in to getting to know his potential clients, he knows how to script the TV ad to hit the pain points and aspirations of his audience and when to run the TV ad at the optimum time.


When the TV ad runs, the response he gets is overwhelming.

When I saw this episode it made me think of the importance of knowing your potential/target audience and, with this knowledge, how you would be better able to create content that resonates with them.

Putting this story into the context of event marketing: putting in the time and effort into getting to know your potential audience is not wasted. You’ll know:


  • their goals;
  • their pain points, and
  • their aspirations.


And, you’ll be better positioned to create content (think of the TV ad) that resonates with and attracts your potential audience to your events.

Stay tuned to ShareYaarNow for more insights and tips on event marketing success.




(Image: Unsplash)
