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Having Audio Chats with Your Event Audience to Boost Engagement


Audio Chat with Your Event Audience

If you are live streaming your event and your event does not involve the audience speaking, then think about doing an audio chat with your audience after your event. There are numerous platforms that you can chat on. This will give you a chance to better connect with your audience and get feedback on what they thought of your event. And you may also get ideas for future events. It will also give your audience a chance to network with others. 

You can promote this audio chat before and during your event so that those people who want to stick around for a chat at the end of your event can get more value. 

Many opportunities are there to connect with your event audience that can help increase your engagement and give value to your audience. Giving value is what it's all about.

Hope these ideas help in increasing your audience and engagement with your event over time.


Looking for more event marketing inspiration? Ebook: 'Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers' can help you with ideas on events and event marketing in this changing world. If you host your own events and want to transform your event marketing:

Available on Amazon at:
