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Giving Value to Sponsors

Giving Value to Sponsors

If your events attract sponsors, you need to give them value. Further to our earlier blog post: 'Sponsor Interaction'.

It's not just enough to give a 'thank you' to your sponsors and have their logo displayed at your events. This is no longer enough for sponsors in these times.

Sponsors don't only want to see high attendance numbers so that their brand name gets out there to your audience, but they want to see that attendance at your events converting into sales for them.

The sponsors will be tracking their ROI and conversion rates, among other metrics, for your events.

Knowing the behavior of attendees is important. You can do this with surveys. Ask them what they thought about the event and whether or not it helped them make a decision about buying from a sponsor.

Better yet, ask them if they bought anything from a sponsor during or after the event. This will give sponsors an idea of whether or not their investment in your event was worth it or if it would be better for them to invest elsewhere.

That's why getting the right sponsors for your events is important.


We welcome your feedback on this.

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(Image: Unsplash)
