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Sponsor Interaction

Sponsor Interaction - ShareYaarNow

Nowadays, simply having your sponsors logo on your event literature and banners probably won't be enough to get potential sponsors excited about your event. 

Sponsors will want something more than just their logo being displayed. In this digital economy, you need ideas that gets your audience interacting with your sponsors - before, during and after your event.

Provide them with an exclusive sponsorship package that nobody else gets. If your event is a conference, make sure that you have some kind of unique experience at the event that only your sponsors receive. This can be anything from access to VIP parties, exclusive networking events and even gifts such as branded merchandise.

Well before your event, you will probably be having numerous discussions with potential sponsors about customizing a sponsorship package for them that gives them value.

If you're running a smaller event or meetup, then perhaps something as simple as offering them first dibs on tickets might be an incentive for them to support you.

Give them a shout-out during your presentations and make sure that everyone knows who they are and what they do. This is especially important if your event has multiple sponsors because putting all their names up on screen will show everyone how much support they've given to your event and how much value they bring to it.

Maybe, try to get them involved in some way with the actual running of the event itself. This might mean getting them involved in talks or panel discussions where they can share their knowledge with attendees, or perhaps just having them give a short speech about their company or product.

There are plenty more ideas that you might come up with to give value to your sponsors.


We welcome your feedback on this.

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(Image: Unsplash)
