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Always Keep Improving Your Audience's Online Experience


Always Keep Improving Your Audience's Online Experience

Does your audience’s online experience matter more to your brand than their offline experience?

Nowadays, your audience are likely to first interact with your event online, e.g., finding out about it and when booking a place, and maybe via a mobile device. "Your digital experience is your brand," according to Lew Cirne. Your audience’s digital experience will probably define your brand.

Whether you organize live stream events only or do events at venues also, you need to think about the online experience from your audience’s view point. Even if you don’t have your own website/app and only use social media platforms to interact with your audience, you need to think about their online experience. 

What information you give about your event on social media, 

how often you post about your event, 

when do you send reminders to your audience about your upcoming events 

The experience of booking a place

These are the sort of issues you need to think about before your event. During your online event, what’s the audience’s experience and how can you improve it. And after your event, getting feedback and keeping in contact with your audience.

Audience experience, online and offline, is important, but as audience contact will most likely be online first, your users need to have a good online experience of your event and brand.

Obviously, if your event is at a venue, your audience’s experience offline matters also. If you are running a restaurant, for example, then even if your customer’s online experience is great but your offline service is not then the customer may not return. 

But first impressions make an impact.

User experience (UX) online of your brand will come to represent the sort of business and brand that you are to your audience. Brand management and brand strategy is more dependent on technology nowadays.

Continually think about improving the online experience for your audience.

Hope these ideas help.


Looking for more event marketing inspiration? Ebook: 'Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers' can help you with ideas on events and event marketing in this changing world. If you host your own events and want to transform your event marketing:

Available on Amazon at:
