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Technology is Turning Everyone into Event Marketers


Technology is Turning Everyone into Event Marketers

Organizing an event is simpler nowadays, thanks to technology. This has become clear in the last 2 years. With an audience being able to attend an event remotely thru live streaming platforms, event organizers can promote their ideas, products or services more easily. 

Live streaming an event is all the rage now. People who didn’t think of organizing events before are now starting to do so as a means to promote themselves, their products and their services.

That's why you need to improve your event marketing skills!

As event venues slowly open up, some event organizers who hold events at venues are also live streaming them to a wider audience – so-called hybrid events. This requires that you give value to your online audience as well as those who attend the venue.

The major issue now in the ‘attention economy’ is how to convince people to give your event their attention when there are so many online (and offline) events happening.

So, you probably want to start learning how to conduct events online, if you haven’t already.

With your smartphone, you can ‘go live’ in an instant and start talking and hope people join in and you grow your audience. But with a little more planning beforehand, you probably have a better chance to grow your audience and increase your engagement.

If you’ve never done your own event before, maybe this is something you should consider to grow your brand. Doing a live stream event on a live streaming platform or an event at a local venue (if they are open in your area) can be a good way to make contacts. An event at a venue means you may have to take more precautions for you and your audience and there may be more rules/regulations/laws that you have to follow for on-property events in these times, so please bear this in mind. Whatever the type of event you are conducting, you need to be mindful of the regulations/laws that are applicable.

But doing an online event may be simpler than an event at a venue. You may feel scared at first but you will usually improve over time. Whether you are a yoga teacher, fitness instructor, DJ, gamer, chef, author, business coach/mentor, techie or business owner you can think about doing your own events to promote your product or services. Even doing a podcast perhaps to start with.

You should see what live streaming platforms are out there, what the differences between them are and which one suits you or, maybe more to the point, which one suits the audience you want to attract.

You can then also want to think of ways to monetize your events. Some live streaming platforms make this easier than others. E.g., charging for attending your events, sponsorship, etc.

Hope these ideas help. Stay tuned for more....


Looking for more event marketing inspiration? Ebook: 'Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers' can help you with ideas on events and event marketing in this changing world. If you host your own events and want to transform your event marketing:

Available on Amazon at:
