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How Audiences Consume Events and New Ways of Consuming Digital Content


How Audiences Consume Events and New Ways of Consuming Digital Content - ShareYaarNow

First there was the word.

Do you remember going online and seeing just text? Blogs were then a way to get your ideas across. People have been reading blogs for many years now. Text is one way content is consumed. 

Then pictures gradually populated the Internet and gave more variety to the content and added colour to being online. A picture says a thousand words, as they say.

Videos have now, long been a way to engage people and grow an audience and show expertise in your field. With attention spans getting shorter in the digital ‘attention’ economy, content creators are producing short-form version of web series, videos and even using messaging apps to publish bite-size content from books. Short-form video apps are gaining huge audiences for content. This format of content should not be overlooked for marketing your events. GIFs are now common on many platforms.

Audio content such as podcasts and audio chats are another way that content is consumed. Writing your own eBook or audio book and self-publishing are other ways to show expertise in your field to attract larger audiences to your events.

Augmented reality is here now and growing.

These are all ways that people consume digital content. 

With live audio and video streaming available, you are able to conduct meaningful events to remote audiences. 

Next, will probably be virtual reality events and holograms. The so-called ‘Metaverse’. VR events are slowly beginning to trickle into the market. If possible, this is something you should look into now and begin to experiment with. Just consider how virtual reality will impact your audience and the way you conduct your events when VR becomes more mainstream. Your audience will want new experiences when they attend events.

As an event organizer you should consider all these ways to attract your audience.

Just as we consume content on TV and on social media, we also ‘consume’ events.

Audiences ‘consume’ events at venues and online as live stream videos (with images and text) and audio. You can think of a live online event, where the audience can interact, as interactive content.

People join online events at home, work and on the move and maybe, without a screen in front of them by only listening to the audio.

Think about how, when and where you attend or join in events. Is it something you plan ahead or sometimes join in on the spur of the moment?

I join in live stream video events where you can see the event host and other audience members. Sometimes, I listen to the audio only. If the event is going to be short, say 5 to 10 mins you can join in while you are travelling. If the event is longer then I may prefer to join in when I’m not travelling but at work or home. Sometimes an event takes place that is not at a convenient time, so I don’t join in. So, try to conduct your events when it’s convenient for the audience you want to attract. Also think about how your audience might want to consume your event – whether it’s a video live stream or audio only. Sometimes, you may watch or listen after the event – when the recording is uploaded, you consume at your convenience.

Does your audience like text and/or images being shown during your events? Do they prefer just to listen or see live video streaming? What are the best ways to get your ideas across that help your audience?

Think about what events you’ve attended at a venue or online and what factors were part of your decision to join those events. Then think about your audience. If you can get feedback from them as to how, when and where they join your events, you can plan your events around them.

Select the methods of delivering your events that are better for you and your audience.


Looking for more event marketing inspiration? Ebook: 'Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers' can help you with ideas on events and event marketing in this changing world. If you host your own events and want to transform your event marketing:

Available on Amazon at:
