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Make Things Easy for Your Event Audience


Make Things Easy for Your Event Audience

Make things convenient as possible for your audience to join your event, interact and engage.

For example, if you are live streaming your event on a particular platform, don’t make assumptions about what your audience knows about the platform you are using. Perhaps, before and during the event, educate your audience about the things that they can do on the platform. Some audience members may know but not all. 

Some people who are not familiar with a particular live streaming platform may not join events on that platform. Or, they may have a preference for another platform. So, you need to find out which platforms your target audience favours.

Don’t assume that all your audience have full knowledge of the topic you are talking about.

Imagine you are in a conversation with two other people and they start talking about a topic you are not familiar with or do not understand. And, they are making no effort to include you in the conversation – do you ask them to explain or remain silent and disengage from the conversation? 

As an event organizer, if an audience member disengages from your event, it’s not their problem – it’s your problem.

Spoon feed your audience to help them get the most out of your event. If you make your audience jump through hoops to join, interact and engage with your event, they may soon lose interest and go elsewhere.


Looking for more event marketing inspiration? Ebook: 'Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers' can help you with ideas on events and event marketing in this changing world. If you host your own events and want to transform your event marketing:

Available on Amazon at:
