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Using Live Streaming Platforms

Using Live Streaming Platforms - ShareYaarNow

There are many live streaming platforms out there for you to choose from. New platforms are appearing all the time. Each one has a different feel to it. They also have some different functionality. 

So, you need to do your research and maybe experiment to find the one which is best for you and the type of online events you do.

When live streaming, you may decide to stream on only one platform exclusively or multiple platforms simultaneously. You need to see which platforms have more of the audience you want to attract and be active on them. There are services that allow you to stream on multiple platforms simultaneously if that’s what you want to do.

If you are live streaming your event, most live streaming platforms I have seen allow your audience to share the link to your live stream. So, you should ask your audience to share as much as possible during your event.

Also, some live streaming platforms allow the audience to ‘host’ your live stream while its on-going. In that case your audience’s followers on that platform can potentially see your event also. So, if you are using a platform where this is possible then ask your audience to ‘host’ your event also.

Some live streaming platforms allow users to search for live stream events happening. So, when you are conducting your event, you may notice people join and stay for some time or leave very quickly. So, keep your audience engaged and actively leaving lots of comments - this will help.

Also, you’ll notice that for some live streaming platforms, the feel of using their website version of the platform on your laptop differs slightly from their app version on your smartphone.

Some live streaming platforms allow you to appoint a moderator on your live stream, so that while you concentrate on doing your event, the moderator can welcome your audience, in the comments section, as they join, reply to comments and block nuisance messages. So, it becomes a team effort online.

There are also other platforms that allow you to live stream from multiple platforms simultaneously. You need to decide whether you should stream from multiple platforms at the same time or from just one platform exclusively.

Your Internet connection is important here. If your connection keeps going down or buffers then this can put off your audience. Your audience will only have so much patience and with short attention spans, you need to ensure any glitches are kept to a minimum.

You often see people doing test live streams and on the live streaming platform with the title put as ‘test’. This can be good preparation.

There’s lots of opportunity out there for connecting with your audience in new ways that give them a better event experience. So, keep learning and improving your event skills.

Hope these event marketing ideas help. Stay tuned for more...

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(Image: Unsplash)
