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Interaction Tech


Interaction Tech - ShareYaarNow

We talk of event tech and also technology for the workplace and for working remotely. Technology such as video conferencing which allows us to interact with each other even when we are in different locations.

It seems that the workplace and events are going along a similar technological path. The technology can be used for both events and remote working. You can work remotely and attend events remotely also. Some employers now asking employees to return to the workplace, at least some of the time, a hybrid model of work seems to be developing. This is also the case for events. Hybrid events are gaining momentum as event venues slowly open up.

Employers are having to deal with teams at the office and maybe also working remotely. The skills and technology required for this are similar to an event organizer dealing with an audience at a venue and a remote, online audience.

Maybe we should not be talking of event tech but of interaction tech. Just a thought.

Hope these event marketing ideas help. Stay tuned for more...


Looking for more event marketing inspiration? Ebook: 'Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers' can help you with ideas on events and event marketing in this changing world. If you host your own events and want to transform your event marketing:

Available on Amazon at:
