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Measuring the Value of an Event


Measuring the Value of an Event - ShareYaarNow

How do you measure the value you got from attending an event? This is important whether you are the event organizer or an attendee.

If you are an event organizer is there some way to measure the value you give to your audience? If you are an attendee, can you measure the value you get from an event?

Probably, it depends on the type of event it is. Say, you are listening to a DJ doing a live stream mix – the value is probably the pleasure you got from listening.

Maybe, you need to think about what you want to achieve by organizing an event or from attending a particular event. What were your goals and were these achieved? Were there some business goals for organizing or attending an event?

Some type of events may make it easier to quantify some sort of value. I thinking here more of business-related events. If you attend a networking event, for example, you can quantify how many people you met – how many people were you able to meet again after the event – and how much business you did as a result of attending that networking event. If you are listening to a business guru – did you learn anything and did you later apply what you learned?

What factors would need to be quantified to measure some value of an event? Does it also depend on what effort you put in when you attend an event?

Let me know your thoughts on this.

Stay tuned to ShareYaarNow for more insights and tips on event marketing success.




(Image: Unsplash)
