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Getting Creative

Getting Creative - ShareYaarNow

I have found that creativity doesn’t come to you necessarily when you simply try to think of a creative idea.

For me, ideas come through work. Making content for social media, the more content I put out there, the more ideas came to me. Writing newsletters, I found that they evolved over time with new ideas coming each week.

The more content I put out on social media, eventually people contacted with me on social media which led to collaboration.

I found that it was through consistent, daily work that ideas, partnerships and collaboration grew.

When I put out the next newsletter, I put out a new blog post at the same time. The theme of each new newsletter was the same as each new blog post. Then, I followed that up with a podcast. So, the newsletters, blog and podcast grew together. And still growing each month. Giving my audience different ways to consume my content – whichever suited them. Slowly, I built up a body of content that people can find online and see if there is anything that helps them.

If you are working by yourself, this requires time to prepare and plan each week. You have to sometimes separate yourself from distractions that will get in the way of getting where you want to be.

Whenever I saw a little bit of progress, it drove me to do more – a virtuous circle.

We welcome your feedback on this.

Hope these event marketing ideas help. Stay tuned for more...


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