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Under-Stated Principle in Event Marketing

USP - ShareYaarNow

The first step in building a successful event business is to know who your audience is. Once you know who your audience is, it’s time to start thinking about what makes your events unique and different from other similar events out there. 

What’s going to be your unique selling proposition (USP)? Whether you’re a yoga/fitness instructor, Esports gamer, DJ, business coach/mentor, speaker, chef, techie or business owner, you will have to somehow show your potential event audience what value or benefit they are going to get out of attending your events. This is not easy. 

The key to creating a USP is to think about what sets you apart from the rest of the crowd and how that can be demonstrated in 3-4 sentences that would capture someone’s attention enough for them to want more information about your event.

It’s clear that USPs are important but what exactly is a USP? A USP is a unique selling proposition that describes why your event is different from the competition. It is what makes your event stand apart from others and provides value to your customers. It's the difference between your event and what you do and how other event organizers do them. It catches the attention of your potential audience and motivates them to attend your event instead of your competitors. Also, read our earlier blog post: 'Your Unique Selling Proposition'.

Your USP must be clear, memorable and meaningful; it should also be relevant to your target audience and have substance behind it. 


We welcome your feedback on this.

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