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Whose Goal is it Anyway?

Whose Goal is it Anyway? - ShareYaarNow

Your goal should be to give the people who attend your event a reason to come back and see you again. So you need to think about your audience's goals.

The audience will have a limited time and attention to give you. 

You want them to leave feeling like they received value from what you shared with them — whether it was information or entertainment — so that they will think of you fondly when the need arises for another service or product that you offer.

If you are doing a presentation, you can help keep your audience engaged by keeping your presentation focused on one idea or concept at a time and by using design elements like visuals and slides that make it easy for people to follow along without losing focus or interest.

At your event, it's your chance to make a big impression. The first thing you need to do is understand who's in the room (or the live stream), what they want and how you can help them. Here are some questions you should ask yourself:

- Who is attending this event? What is their role? Why are they here?

- What do they want to know or learn? How will this event help them achieve their goals?

- What is the best way to communicate with them?


We welcome your feedback on this.

Hope these event ideas help. Stay tuned for more...

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(Image: Unsplash)
