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Community Calling

Community Calling - ShareYaarNow

It's no secret that communities are a great way to build your online presence. Creating communities is one of the best ways to give extra value to your event audience. We write a little more, further to our earlier blog post: 'Creating Communities Increases Opportunities for Event Organizers'.

It's important to note that this isn't just about creating a group on a social media platform.

What is a community? A community is a group of people who share common interests and concerns, who have developed relationships with one another.

So how can you create successful communities through events? Here are some tips:

1) Create an event community hub.

2) Invite people into a community. It’s much easier to get people involved if they already have some knowledge about what you stand for and what you want them to do in order to attend an event.

3) Encourage participation by asking questions and offering incentives. for example, you can ask questions that help people share their opinions and ideas about topics related to your industry or brand, or give them opportunities to win prizes in return for answering surveys or taking part in polls.

The community can be active outside of your events. 


We welcome your feedback on this.

Hope these event ideas help. Stay tuned for more...

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