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Event Marketing: Journey or Destination?

Event Marketing: Journey or Destination? - ShareYaarNow

Using event marketing to promote your products or services - is it a journey or a destination?

With event marketing, can you reach your goal or is it a continuous journey that you refine as you go on?

The answer depends on how you approach your event marketing strategy.

You need goals to strive for: e.g., meet new customers, generate leads, provide value etc. In this case, destination would be a good way to think about it. You know exactly what you want out of your events and you create CTA's that will encourage people towards your goals.

However, is it only about the end result? It might be more useful, also, to think about event marketing as a journey rather than a destination. This means that as well as focusing on specific outcomes for each event, you focus on improving upon what worked well in previous events and changing things up when something doesn't work as well as it should have done.

Enjoy the journey while to try to reach your destination.


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(Image: Unsplash)
