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Lost in Digital Space

Lost in Digital Space - ShareYaarNow

How audiences consume events is changing. In the digital economy, with social media being so prevalent, events are becoming content to be put online for marketing of a brand - just like any other content. 

Sometimes, it can be difficult to distinguish events because they seem so similar - its like the 'commoditization' of events.

With so many events happening online and offline, how do event organizers prevent their events getting lost in the all the noise?

One way that event organizers can differentiate their events is through content. A lot of times, event organizers think that the only thing that matters at an event is the speaker. However, your attendees also want to be entertained and engaged in ways other than just listening to a speaker talk about their topic. 

This is where content marketing comes into play. Content marketing isn’t just blogging – it’s storytelling that helps you engage with your audience, build trust and become an authority in your industry. It’s also one of the best ways to turn your attendees into raving fans who come back time and time again.

Content marketing can help your audience answer questions like: Why should I go? What will I learn? How will it benefit me? How can I network? What else should I do while there? And so on…

As an event organizer, you have an opportunity to create rich content about your event before it even happens (and even after).


We welcome your feedback on this.

Hope these event ideas help. Stay tuned for more...

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(Image: Unsplash)
