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Going International

Going International - ShareYaarNow

If you are running your own online events, try marketing to countries other than your own. And, not necessarily the major economies but smaller ones also, where you may be able to attract an audience.

People around the world will be using the well known social media platforms from Big Tech but many countries will also have their own local social media platforms.

You can also get involved in forums related to your industry or business niche in other countries.

By running your events in English, you are probably going to attract English speakers, but there are many advantages of looking beyond this market.

Firstly, it can be easier to get speakers from smaller countries than major ones and this can give you access to some very interesting ideas and strategies for your events.

Secondly, there may more competition for speakers in these large markets.

There are some things that you need to keep in mind when trying to market to other countries:

- The time zone of the country

- The language of the country

- The law, culture and customs of the country - especially where this relates to conducting events;

- What kind of payment methods they use

This can help grow your audience internationally.


We welcome your feedback on this.

We hope this will help you with your event marketing. Stay tuned for more creative event ideas!

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(Image: Unsplash)
