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Team Event

Team Event - ShareYaarNow

To grow your events its great to have some 'early adopters' or people that attend your events regularly and help you spread the word about your brand. They are enthusiastic about the narrative you give out during your events and share that enthusiasm with others. Call them 'brand ambassadors' or 'influencers', if you will.

You see technology companies set up beta versions of their software and get early adopters to experiment with it, try it out, give feedback - sometimes, they are also given extra benefits that those who sign up later don't get. These early adopters help spread the word about the brand.

The ideal people are those who already have a large social media following and are active on social media.

Ask for feedback on everything from what speakers they would like to see at future events, to what topics they would like covered. But don't just ask for feedback in a general way. Create specific surveys with questions tailored to their needs and interests so you can really understand what makes them tick.

The best way to build up an audience is by attracting people who like what you do and want to support you. The problem with this approach however is that it takes time and effort to find those people.

You need to also support your 'early adopters'. Perhaps, involve them in your event planning. It becomes like a collaborative, team effort.


We welcome your feedback on this.

We hope this will help you with your event marketing. Stay tuned for more creative event ideas!

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(Image: Unsplash)
