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Give Value, Repeat

Give Value, Repeat - ShareYaarNow

Get repeat attendees at your events, not just new attendees.

If you only focus on new attendees, you'll never build a community. And if you don't build a community around your event, you won't have people who will come back when you need them — which means that they won't help you spread the word about your events.

The idea is that by getting someone to come back to your event, you’re establishing a relationship with them and building their interest in your brand.

Giving value to your audience pays dividends in the long run. You can offer incentives for your audience to return to future events. Send follow-up emails are your event telling them what's coming up next. Keep them informed about what's going on at your organization or company through email marketing and social media so they know when something might interest them enough that they'll consider attending an event.

Repeat attendees are the ones who take initiative and create their own experiences. They become brand ambassadors for your organization because they have a vested interest in making sure that others attend.

What are you doing to build a community around your event brand?


We welcome your feedback on this.

ShareYaarNow - a free event sharing platform that lets you find, list and share upcoming events. So, start sharing now, yaar! >>>



(Image: Unsplash)
