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How do you make the most out of exhibiting at a trade show?

How do you make the most out of exhibiting at a trade show? - ShareYaarNow

Exhibiting at a trade show can be a great boost for your business. It’s a way to get your name out there and make some solid connections with potential clients. But, if you’re not prepared, it can do more harm than good.

Here are some tips on how to make the most out of exhibiting at a trade show:

1. Do Your Research

  • Before you pick up the phone and book an exhibition booth, do research into the industry, competition, target audience and what people expect from attending any specific show you're thinking about. 
  • It may be worthwhile attending some trade shows you're interested in (but not as an exhibitor) just to see if they're useful and how they work.

2. Know what you want to achieve from the show

  • If this is your first time exhibiting at a trade show, then it may be hard to know exactly what results you want from it but having some idea will help keep everything focused and in line with your goals for the event as well as give you something to aim for when it comes to measuring success.
  • Have some metrics in mind so you can measure your results afterwards.
  • There are plenty of resources out there that can help with ideas on how to exhibit at trade shows - so read widely.


3. Plan Your Exhibition Booth

  • Obviously, a lot here depends on your budget.
  • Try to look a location for your booth where you expect more footfall. This could be near other exhibitors who are similar to yours — but not too close. If there are too many companies with similar offerings, it could make it harder for you to stand out from the crowd — and harder for attendees to find you.
  • Make sure that you have everything you need before heading to the exhibition floor. You don’t want to spend time hunting down supplies when there are so many other things going on around you!
  • Make sure your signage is clear and readable from afar.
  • Test equipment and lighting beforehand
  • Make sure there's plenty of room for people to walk by without having to squeeze between displays or bump into each other. Make sure that signs clearly indicate what companies are located inside each booth.
  • A lot of resources are available for exhibitors to help with ideas and strategies for your booth.


4. Travel, Transport and Accommodation

  • Plan your travel and stay - if the event is in a hotel, it may be more convenient to stay there if you can. 
  • If you have lots of equipment and materials to get to the show, plan this well in advance.


5. Marketing your booth before and during the event

  • Once you've booked your space, have you're marketing strategy ready
  • What marketing do the event hosts, sponsors and venue do? Can you co-ordinate your marketing with theirs?

6. Interacting with attendees

  • You may have a great, eye-catching booth that attracts attention but at the end of the day, you have to engage with people there. Don't expect your booth to do all the work for you.
  • Be prepared with your pitch and also answers to questions they may have. If you're working in a team, make sure everyone is on the same page.
  • Making sales is great but making contacts is also important.

7. Follow-up after the event

  •  Have plan ready for what you'll do to remain in contact with people you met.

8. Remember to learn

  • Use these events as learning experiences.
  • Make notes about what you can do better next time
  • Have a debrief with your team after the event
  • Go through your metrics. 


Exhibiting at a trade show can be exhilarating but a whole lot of planning and preparation is required. As with a lot of things the more shows you attend, the better you'll get.

What's the best trade show you attended?


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