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Increase the Value

Increase the Value - ShareYaarNow

The more value your audience gets from your events, the better word-of-mouth marketing you will probably get.

If you want to think of your events as a 'product', the better your product, the more your audience will speak well about it to others.

Improving the quality and content of your events will help in the long run. Improved content can attract better speakers and sponsors.

One way is by giving them more than expected. If someone comes along expecting an hour long talk on a subject they are interested in but then find out there is going to be another guest speaker as well who has something different to say on that same topic, this person may feel like they got more value than what they paid for (and hopefully enjoyed both speakers).

These are probably the main reasons people attend events:

  • Entertainment – want to have fun and relax

  • Education – want to learn something new or improve skills

  • Inspiration – want to be inspired by great stories and speakers

  • Business - want to increase their business and network.

So, increase the value you give. 

One way is by giving them more value than they expected. If someone comes along expecting an hour long talk on a subject they are interested in but then find out there is going to be another guest speaker as well who has something different to say on that same topic, this person may feel like they got more value than what they paid for (and hopefully enjoyed both speakers).

Stay tuned to ShareYaarNow for more insights and tips on event marketing success.


