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New Platforms

New Platforms - ShareYaarNow

Imagine you started marketing your events on the major social media platforms, early on, when they first came out. Imagine where you and your events would be right now. Trying to market on these platforms now, is not so easy.

Further to our earlier blog post: 'Event Marketing Channels', starting to use new online, social media platforms early on when they are trying to grow and market themselves to their audience, can help you and your brand. There are plenty of new online platforms that come onto the market.

There will always be places where people hang out online to meet up with friends, find things to do, or learn more about something that interests them. It's important to take advantage of these places as they are starting up because it's easier for them to get noticed by their target audience at this stage in their growth curve than it is later on when they've gotten bigger and more saturated with other businesses trying to get noticed among all the noise being generated by everyone else who's already been there for a while now.

Study the market before jumping in. Study them and find the right ones for you, your events and your audience. Look at what other people are doing on each platform and see if there are any trends emerging. This will help with your planning and budgeting as well as give an idea of how successful your campaigns could be on each platform. Find out who uses each platform. If there is a target audience that uses one platform more than another, then this can help guide your choice.

Here are some of the things to look out for with these new platforms:

  • They will have a lot of users already, so it would be a good idea to get in there early before they start charging for advertising or other services.

  • The platform will have a lot of traffic already due to its popularity, so this means it would be great for reaching out to potential customers who might not be following you on all other social media sites yet.

  • The platform has been around long enough that most people know about it, but it's still relatively new enough that people don't really know how well it works yet.

Stay tuned to ShareYaarNow for more insights and tips on event marketing success.


