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Starting Out

Starting Out

When you're starting out in event marketing, do you immediately target the niche audience you want, or do you start by building brand awareness to a wider audience before targeting specific niches? Or do you do both simultaneously?

It's important to build brand awareness first. And not "brand awareness" in the traditional sense of creating awareness of your company and its products or services. But more broadly as the process of making people aware of you or your company's existence in their lives. This can be done via content marketing, social media strategies and other channels that build trust with potential customers before they make a decision whether to attend your events.

This strategy may be better for two reasons: First, it gives you time to figure out what kinds of events attract interest from your target market (and which ones don't). Second, when you finally do start hosting events for niche audiences, these attendees will already know who you are and have had some time to learn about your brand.

After that, you can target specific verticals and groups of people who might be more interested in what you're offering.


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(Image: Unsplash)
