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The Way Ahead for the Events Industry


The Way Ahead for the Events Industry - ShareYaarNow

Events Go Virtual. 

Before the pandemic, I noticed that startup and blockchain conferences were proliferating and some of the bigger events were getting quite expensive to attend. Was it all about sponsorship and profit for the event organizers?  There were events for every aspect of startup life – marketing, HR, how to get funded, different types of funding, networking, sales, etc. Players, such as co-working spaces, business clubs and networking groups and other firms, also many in number, organized events on a smaller scale to attract you to their services. Events had keynote speakers, pitch sessions, places to set up your stand etc. You would see some regular faces at some of the events. And, there was also a little bit of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) going on that got you to attend.

These events gave you a boost for a while but did you track what value you gained from attending?

And I began to wonder if there was any way to tell, beforehand, which events were better for me to attend. 

In this time of pandemic, events are going online with their live streams in huge numbers. From individual yoga instructors to larger events such as trade conferences - all developing their virtual event models and trying ways to get noticed and monetize them. The question is whether virtual events will become the new normal - at least for some time to come. Human beings are social animals, so, we will want to get together in person eventually but, probably, a lot more interaction will be done online as we get more used to the technology and behaviour for building online relationships with our audience.

Now during the pandemic, with event organizers migrating to virtual events, how can you measure what value they give and how do choose which ones to attend?

The number of online events is growing and some are beginning to feel ‘event fatigue’. How do you measure what value the event has given to the attendees? How do you give value as an event organizer to your audience? Why should your event audience attend and give their attention to your event?

Are smaller, more specific events the answer? With more care taken on speakers and attendees where there is more scope for better and more relevant interaction between the participants? How do I monetize my online event?

Talk of hybrid events, events that are simultaneously on-property and online, is all the rage now in the events industry. Hybrid events will probably grow as pandemic restrictions are eased. Do hybrid events add value for your audience?

How will events and the events industry evolve?

These are the sort of questions that people are asking before attending any event. And as an event organizer, these are the kind of issues that you will have to deal with to get and grow your audience. You will have to cater to way your audience wants to consume your events.

Hope these ideas help. Stay tuned for more....


Looking for more event marketing inspiration? Ebook: 'Technology Is Turning Everyone Into Event Marketers' can help you with ideas on events and event marketing in this changing world. If you host your own events and want to transform your event marketing:

Available on Amazon at:
