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The Name of the Game

The Name of the Game - ShareYaarNow

Does how you refer to your event make a difference to your potential audience?

For example, if you are doing an online event, will it effect the appeal of the event if you call it an:

  • online event,

  • virtual event,

  • webinar,

  • live stream event?

For events that take place at a physical location (a venue where your audience has to travel to), could be referred to as:

  • live event,

  • in-person event,

  • on-property event,

  • physical event.

There are numerous terms being used for events that people use interchangeably.

Other terms used for events are seminar, workshop, conference, exhibition, trade show, expo, get together - whether they are online or at a venue - or both as in a hybrid event.

They are probably other terms you can think of.

If you have a very specific audience, then it may make sense to use that audience's vocabulary in your event name. Figure out which terms your target audience uses most often when referring to your event. Perhaps, use keywords that you think will be most relevant for your audience.

Or, perhaps you think the way Shakespeare wrote: 'What's in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet'.


We welcome your feedback on this.

Hope these event ideas help. Stay tuned for more...

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(Image: Unsplash)
