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In Praise of Persistence

In Praise of Persistence

As an event professional, if you have your own digital real estate (DRE), in order to get users to come to your website and app, you need to overcome user inertia. This post carries on from our earlier blog post: 'Overcoming Inertia'.

Users are familiar with the major Big Tech platforms and may be using them regularly. To get them to use your DRE requires a lot of effort. Even if they use your DRE, they may use it once and not come back because they already use the big Tech platforms and to use another platform may not be convenient.

You need to motivate your audience to use your DRE. Here are some general ideas:

·       You should make your DRE easy to use.

·       Create a unique user experience on your DRE.

·       Incentivize your audience to use your DRE.

·    Perhaps consider integrating other well-known platforms, that your audience may be familiar with, into your DRE.

·       Get some early adopters to help you spread the word.

·       Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to maximize traffic.

·       Plan your social media marketing effectively to increase traffic.

·       Plan your event marketing to increase traffic.

·       Create compelling content that people want and need.

Be persistent and patient, because user growth will not happen overnight.


We welcome your feedback on this.

ShareYaarNow - a free event sharing platform that quickly and easily lets you find, list and share upcoming events. So, start sharing now! >>>



(Image: Unsplash)
